Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Mau Mau Mouvement in Kenya

The following video describes the formation of the Mau Mau (the freedom fighters in Kenya), the beginning of the independence war, and the reactions of the British government toward the freedom fighters.

The violence that was caused by the Mau Mau was highly condemned by the British government. However, the violence and inhuman treatment endured by the Mau Mau from the British were not addressed until this year, when the British government agreed to pay reparations of over $20 million. Was this compensation enough for the loss and sufferings experienced by the Mau Mau, or was it just a mockery?

The interviews in this video are done in Kiswahili, one of the official languages in Kenya, and Kikuyu, a dialect spoken in central Kenya. Subtitles are provided.

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