Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Caribbean Community Claims 7.5 Trillion Pounds for Slavery Damages

In an interview, Prof. Verene Shepherd, Jamaica’s chair of the Reparations Committee, defines reparations as “repairing the damages,” and she insists that the Europeans should pay damages to slave descendants. Shepherd argues that, when freeing the slaves, the British government paid 20 million pounds to slave owners for the loss of their “property,” and the Caribbean community is now claiming that compensation, which is equivalent to 200 billion pounds. Shepherd adds that Europeans should also consider supporting development in the Caribbean and help eliminate institutionalized racism, which is faced by black communities.

In addition, the chair of Jamaica’s Reparation Committee claims that France should pay back the 90 million francs they demanded from Haitians in exchange for freedom. France should also consider paying back what they took from Haiti during the colonial period. In total, the Caribbean community is demanding 7.5 trillion pounds.
The Europeans occupied and exploited resources from the Caribbean and this stunted the economic growth of these Islands. If the reparations demanded by slave descendants are awarded, I believe these Islands will be able to pay their debts, (most of which they owe to Europeans), and revive their economy. 

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