Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Caribbean Community Claims Formal Slavery Compensation

The Caribbean Community says an apology is not enough and every nation in the Caribbean is forming a national reparations commission to develop their cases. These Islands are claiming reparations for over 400 years of colonization and their leaders have already presented their cases to the United Nations .
France, Britain, and Netherlands are being asked to compensate for the damages that came as a result of the Atlantic Slave Trade, which they took part in. Britain exported 3 million slaves and even though the compensation that the Caribbean is claiming hasn’t been revealed, I think the British government might pay reparations worth hundreds of billions of pounds. When the British government abolished slave trade in these Islands, they compensated slave owners by giving them €240 billion. As a matter of fact, one would have expected the slaves to be compensated for their sufferings.  
It has taken European countries a long time to express their apologies (some have not apologized yet), and none of them seems ready to compensate their colonies. Slave trade “impaired [Caribbean’s and other colonies] development options,” and I believe reparations would enable these countries to eradicate some of the problems they are facing today, which originated from colonialism and slave trade.

                                                          Slave Trade Routes
                                               image adopted from google.com

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